Coach Steve Eckert

Steve Eckert is a Personal Discipline and Development Accountability Coach. He is a United States Marine, Entrepreneur, Husband, and Father. His unique style of blending Military strategies and tactics with the mindset and methods of an entrepreneur have helped over 20,000 clients achieve Results and Life Transformations, over the past 22 years. He has built several successful companies and Brands from scratch in the Coaching and Fitness industries.
- Founder and Owner of OTD- Operate to Dominate Peak Performance Coaching
- Founder/ Owner of OTD Online- Coaching Courses
- Founder/ Owner of Freak Code- Clothing Company
- Personal Trainer/ Fitness Professional for over 20 years
- Instructor/ Co-Founder of The Project- men’s personal development program
- Instructor/ Co-Owner of LTD- Leadership and Team Development Training
- Previous coach of several Mastermind and Mentorship Group Coaching Programs
Follow Steve on:
Instagram: @steve.eckert1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SteveEckertNoExcuses/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLKQYI7tX4FdTV7XxbciuVw
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peakphysiqueny/
Click here to apply for One on One OTD Coaching with Steve Eckert: https://peakphysique-steve.clickfunnels.com/mbbcoaching
Coach Ewa Eckert

Ewa Eckert - Born in Poland. She is a Personal Discipline and Development Accountability Coach. Proud Mother of 2 kids - Tyson 11 and Evanka 9, and a wife of the Freak ( Steve Eckert - MDK Instructor, Operation Black Site, Misogi Instructor ). For over 25 years involved in fitness and nutrition with former extensive training overseas. Her passion for fitness started at age 13 - when she first attended a group training program led by famous Russian Instructors. This was the beginning of her journey. She graduated in 2001 with a Master’s Degree of Physical Education in Lodz ( Poland ).
In 2009 Ewa and her husband opened up the 1st location of Peak pHysique Boot Camp and Boxing. Ewa’s coaching style and knowledge delivered unbelievable Results and Transformations to over 25,000 people in the past years. She is a Founder and Co-Founder of several businesses and brands. Her motto is D.E.C.A.F - Discipline, Energy, Confidence,Action anad Freak ( Life’s work on becoming - the best version of freak self ) Become your own AWESOME FREAK SUPERHERO/ No Excuses - Bez Wymowek is her signature to posts, emails, articles, online courses and e- books. She helps women create better discipline, energy, confidence in their Mind, Body ( fitness,nutrition ) and Business, so finally they can take bold action in their life and become fulfilled, happy and more congruent with their mission. In a nutshell:
- Born in Poland
- Passion for fitness since a little girl
- 3rd Place in Fitness Hip Hop Show in Poland
- Master’s Degree of Cathedral Of Physical Education in Lodz
- Over 25 years of experience in the fitness industry
- AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor
- World Team Leader of Herbalife Nutrition
- Co - Founder/ Owner of Peak Physique Boot Camp and Boxing
- Founder/ Owner of FreakCode LLC ( Freak Code Apparel )
- Co-Owner of the OTD - Operate to Dominate Coaching Program
- Creator of Peak Physique Virtual Workouts
- Creator of The No Excuses Ladies Show
- Founder/Co-Creator of The Russian and The Freak Show
- Peak Performance Coach - Mind, Body, Business
- Mother of 2 beautiful children Tyson and Evanka
- Wife of the Freak - Steve Eckert ( Proud Marine, MDK Instructor, Misogi Instructor, Operation Back site Instructor )
Hobbies and Interests: fitness, exercise, tennis, homelifing the kids, spending time with family, travel, board games, obsessive about reading.
Please follow me on social media:
Instagram: @eva.eckert1
Facebook: steveevaeckert
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCriez5PlmEcagfTYU0CfKRQ
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ewa-eckert-a06406228/
Etsy Shop:
Fit and Healthy : https://www.etsy.com/shop/FitandHealthybyEwa?ref=seller-platform-mcnav
Freakcode https://www.etsy.com/shop/FreakCodeApparel?ref=seller-platform-mcnav
Program and Courses: OTD One - on - One Coaching, No Excuses Ladies, Freak Journaling Daily Planner
If you have any questions please contact [email protected]
“Dig deep into your own self and find the meaning of the true You. Your cape will give you the wings. So spread them wide and fly high. May your passion be endless, may your love be deep, may your purpose be of service to others” Ewa Eckert